Thursday, July 3, 2014


CSA Family-

Garden is in abundance!
Today you have eggs, lettuce, a few beets and of course Swiss chard, but new are a few carrots and kale! There are three different kinds of kale in your package, each with their own unique taste. It was new to us and we both had a different favorite. Like Swiss chard, the kale stem is bitter so for a salad we cut the leaf away from the stem.

We are very close to having cucumbers, zucchini and tomatoes ready, maybe as early as next week.
When visiting the farm again, we now have the Hebl heard crazing behind us. It was so lovey to chat with them while harvesting the garden last evening. Three calves tucked under the fence and grazed the vineyard area. No harm and they are so sweet. It got one of us excited for goats. :)